As the federal leads on standard setting and policy development related to public health nutrition and the nutritional quality of the food supply, Health Canada’s Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion and the Bureau of Nutritional Sciences will provide updates on their new and ongoing initiatives. This includes initiatives under the Healthy Eating Strategy and the Regulatory Review Roadmap. Some of the current activities include the development of standard dietary assessment surveillance tools to assess alignment with Canada’s food guide,; working with partners and stakeholders to help integrate the food guide into publicly funded institutions ; and to stimulate changes in food environments.
She joined the Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion at Health Canada in 2003 and has worked on projects related to the Dietary Reference Intakes and contributed to the data analyses and dissemination of results of the Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition. Today, she is the manager of a dynamic Research and Data Analysis team. Her team helps build strong evidence base for the development of healthy eating policies, guidance and promotion activities.
Sylvie strongly believes that team work leads to success.
Sylvie a joint le Bureau de la politique et de la promotion de la nutrition de Santé Canada en 2003 et a travaillé, entre autres, sur des projets touchant les Apports nutritionnels de référence et a contribué aux analyses des données de l'Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes et à leur communication. Aujourd’hui, Sylvie est la gestionnaire d’une dynamique équipe de recherche et d’analyse de données qui contribue à bâtir une fondation solide pour le développement des politiques en nutrition et des activités de promotion au niveau national.
Sa devise : le travail d’équipe est au cœur de la réussite!